Dh and I made it to our "what's next"
appt today. Does anybody else walk out of there feeling kind of foggy in the brain? I'm upfront, I ask questions and take notes but I always walk out of there feeling unfulfilled......maybe it's just me.
Anyways, all my tests came back great and
DH's SA came back better than his first one. The only concern is his morph, 2% down from 4% on his first SA. However his motility was up from 36% to 71% and count went from 7ml to 24ml. Yahoo!!
However we actually have options!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We walked into our first RE
appt with the only option of
IVF and I'd prefer
ICSI with it. Today I walked out with the option to do
IUI's, maybe that's why my brain seemed so foggy :) Don't get me wrong, I'm a realist and I so don't get carried away.
This is the plan I came up with and my RE gave us the "OK". DH and I will just
bd on our own, no
meds, for a couple cycles. This will be the first time
bd'ing with his newly normal count, he's a whole new man :) Our chances are better than I thought, like 20%+, so it's worth a shot to relax and have a little fun. In June DH will have 3rd SA, at this point
Androgel will be
completly out of his system and we'll get our most accurate results, hoping morph will go up since that's the only one we're low on. If nothing happens we'll progress to
bd'ing with
Clomid or
Femara and a trigger shot for probably 3 cycles. Then we would progress to
IUI's, my RE will only allow us to do 3 before moving onto
IVF. I'm kicking around the idea of doing
injectables with our
IUI's, I think this may prep me for
IVF and it significantly raises our odds with the
So this is what my logical brain came up with right away and I kind of like the plan. I like being given a chance to try on our own for a little bit and gives DH enough time to process this info and raise questions if he's concerned about something, we work great as a problem solving team :) We've been
ttc for 2 years but he's been on
Androgel for all of those 2 years and we found out
Androgel has a strong affect on my DH and drastically lowered his count. So I think it's only logical that we give his little swimmers a chance :)
We had planned to start IVF the beginning of next year, that way we could use tax returns to help fund the expensive IVF. That also gives me time to research, learn and grow into the idea of IVF. We may luck out and concieve without IVF but I have a feeling we will be turning to it at some point.
But tomorrow I will sit down with my calendar and get a better idea of what months we're doing which plan. You can't plan everything but I can try my hardest at cutting down the stress before it sneaks up on me :)
As I said I'm a realistic person, as long as I have a plan I can tackle anything. That plan doesn't need to be concrete, just something that I can put in my brain so I don't over think everything. I would like to put in that I'm deathly
afraid of needles so I think doing my plan will work in slowly getting me used to
injectables, can't say I'm excited about it :)
PS. I did get my period minutes before I walked out the door to my RE
appt. The
Clomid definitely threw off my body's schedule. My
ovulation couldn't be pinpointed since my temps where everywhere the whole cycle, then my period was days late and I'm always on schedule. I also felt just really weird for at least a week before my period. I think I may be trying
Femara with our first round of
meds while
bd'ing, may as well try it before I do any procedures with it. I'm also curious since my RE told me the side effects were less than the
Clomid but it wasn't as productive, I guess we'll find out soon enough.
A huge thank you to all the wonderful women that have left me comments, don't know what I'd do without you!
PPS. I apologize for the length of this post, oops. But I did order the Ovacue monitor today so I'm very excited for it to arrive.