So.....we're pregnant!!!!!!! It's only been 10 days since I took those HPT's and I'm still not sure how to feel. I'm excited but as most of you IF ladies can understand, I'm just a tad nervous and a little scared. You try for so long that when it does happen you're in denial.
March 14th 2011 would've marked exactly 3 years of trying. We were given a 5% chance of conceiving on our own if we were lucky. Keep in mind that we only did the BD once on the day of ovulation, no sex 1 week before and 1 week after. To be honest I was actually not even charting, had kind of given up and was preparing for IVF. I was trying to figure out how I could save enough money that we could do 1 IVF cycle in the beginning months of 2012.
Is this really happening? How am I supposed to feel? I'm still in denial and I feel lost at times. I'm afraid to get too happy and it's helped to tell only our Mother's and siblings so there's not many people asking questions or getting excited. Unfortunately our news was only taken well by 2 people and not so well by 6 people. (Yes, the progesterone is making me a little sensitive.) I guess I'll just have to rely on myself to maintain positive...and my IF ladies of course, I love you all!!
I'm just taking this one day at a time. If this baby decides to stay we still have a long way to go (due date is August 26th 2011). I'd rather just focus on eating healthy and doing the best I can to have a healthy pregnancy. Which means trying to eat and not throw it up immediately :) I really look forward to your continued support and understanding. I put a little prayer out there that this baby decides to stay and that I get relaxed about being pregnant. I thank you endlessly!